Embracing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Market Research Fieldwork.

  Ranj Hayre      25 March 2024     

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion – these words surround the market research industry, an evolving topic with pharmaceutical companies recognising the need to ensure a diverse approach to their research for authentic insights. Just Worldwide pride ourselves on being at the forefront of integrating these values in our recruitment.

Embracing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Market Research Fieldwork.

In this article, Ranj Hayre, discusses the meaning of DE&I and how we can embrace the practices to make studies as representative as possible.   Firstly, how do we define DE&I?



How can we best practice DE&I in patient recruitment?

Remove non-inclusive and out-dated practices​ 

  • Re-focus screeners to be inclusive of DEI practices
  • Remove recruitment notice that require all patients to speak clear English (or native equivalents) and be articulate. This allows us to broaden our pool of patients available to us whilst maintaining inclusivity.​ 
  • All respondents can offer equal insight and therefore we should adapt to the needs and skills of the patient to ensure their insight it retrieved. ​ 

Broaden Online vs Offline approach.​ 

  • Social media allows us vast online access to prospective patients across many platforms.  
  • Local community boards, leafleting, newspaper advertisements allow us to reach those offline and whose opinions are currently underrepresented.  


  • Be open to patients and tell them why we are collecting data such as, their age, ethnicity, sexual orientation etc. ​ 
  • Clearly describing to patients what the benefits are of participating in the research study. 

Mirroring Effect 

  • Onboard advocates to aid with recruitment and moderation who are familiar and comfortable with the condition to talk with prospective patients. ​This allows us to provide a safe and anonymous environment for the patient to discuss/ share their journey.​ 


Our challenges and Solutions

No one size fits all approach​   

  • Collaborative efforts between the field work team, research teams and pharma companies on a project by project basis to assess the best approach on individual merits and encourage open dialogue about DE&I goals. 
  • Bespoke recruitment strategies to be devised at proposal stage to help ensure DEI initiatives. 
  • Allowing longer recruitment timelines and costs to assist true inclusion, particularly with offline approaches. ​ 

Market Diversity

  • Understand and adhere to cultural practices within different markets.​ DE&I will vary by country, for example, ethnic populations will be more diverse in the UK and US in comparison to Japan. ​ 

Rare disease conditions (1-4 patients per 100,000)​  

  • With such a limited number of prospective patients we cannot afford to set quotas on DEI parameters. ​   
  • Ensuring we always remain sensitive to the condition of the patient. 


Our Strategies

  1. Identify whether specific TA, indication or market is suitable to engage in DEI measures.​ 
  2. We propose setting 2-3  DEI inclusion criteria as a maximum and develop recruitment strategies around these parameters. ​ 
  3. We need to ensure that the parameters we have chosen are applicable to the research and not just a ‘tick box exercise’, for example: 



Just Worldwide team member, Ranj Hayre, is part of the BHBIA DE&I committee who are developing the mindsets and processes to allow for inclusivity within market research. For the past two years, there has been a strong focus on developing guidelines for inclusive recruitment and Ranj has supported in this important task. These guidelines are currently being prioritised for publishing to drive meaningful change and continue to lead the way for all.   

At Just Worldwide we are committed to collaborating with our clients. We understand the challenges that are faced when seeking a diverse sample and find innovative recruitment solutions to reach our target audience. 

DE&I is just not about representation, it is about amplifying the voices of those who are not heard. At Just Worldwide we understand the importance of embedding a framework to elevate these voices to make a positive impact.  

Embracing DE&I isn’t just the right thing to do – it’s the smart thing to do and a fundamental principle.  

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